Country: Mongolia
Organization: Risalat Consultants International
Registration deadline: 28 Apr 2018
Starting date: 18 Jun 2018
Ending date: 22 Jun 2018
How to register:
Organization: Risalat Consultants International
Registration deadline: 28 Apr 2018
Starting date: 18 Jun 2018
Ending date: 22 Jun 2018
Program Introduction
This unique course provides participants with a realistic opportunity to develop an understanding of the complexities of waste management and pollution control based on scientific principles. Participants develop the means to apply their knowledge and skills to monitor, assess and manage waste collection, treatment, disposal operations and pollution control strategies.
Program Objectives
- Developing a thought among participants to maintain the natural ecological system to ensure a healthy environment and natural
- Being familiar with the expertise necessary to reduce industrial pollution
- Understanding application methods
- Understanding environmental conditions installations in order to avoid genetic industrial pollution
Program Attendees
- Supervisors
- Constructors
- Safety departments staff
- Municipalities staff
- Health departments staff
- Anyone involved in the field
Program Outline
Day 1
- Industrial pollution concepts
- Industrial pollution species
- Ways to control industrial pollution
- Risks of the industrial pollution
Day 2
- Technological development and industrial pollution
- Impact of the technological development on the environment
- The role of media policies in reducing industrial pollution
- Waste management and reduction of gravity
Day 3
- Guides to control industrial pollution
- Evidence of self-monitoring
- Environmental compliance guide for industrial plants
- Risk management in the chemical industry
Day 4
- Health impacts of industrial pollution
- Classification system of industrial pollutants
- Twin industrial pollutants
Day 5
- Reduce hazardous pollutants at the source of regeneration
- Methods of inspection of the generating units of pollutants
- Hazardous waste management
How to register:
Program Dates: 18-22 June. 2018
Registration Closes on: 28 April, 2018
For Registration Assistance Please Send an inquiry to both of the Emails:**
Skype: risalatconsultantsint ; CallViber/WhatsApp: +995 555 11 66 22